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Human rights Campaign

15 Feb
Molex Square, New York
2pm - 5pm

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. So have to take initiative proper way ensure the all right and make the country better for living Lorem su dolor sit amet consectetur. Tempus vel pellentesque semper curabitur tortor. Libero interdum urna ae vestibulum posuere. In consequat fringilla dolor neque quisque facilisi.

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. We have to take initiative proper way ensure the all right and make the country better for living Lorem dolor sit amet consectetur. Tempus vel pellentesque semper curabitur tortor. Libero interdum uvitae vestibulum posuere. In consequat fringilla dolor neque quisque facilisi.

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To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. have to take initiative proper way ensure the all right and make the country better for living an dolor sit amet consectetur. Tempus vel pellentesque semper curabitur tortor

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To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. have to take initiative proper way ensure the all right and make the country better

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. We have to take initiative proper way ensure the all right and make the country better

Agenda & Schedule

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Introducing Speech

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Morgan Smith
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Time: 3pm - 3.30pm
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Environment Control

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Rebeca Williams
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Time: 3.31pm - 4.30pm
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Risk of Environment

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Robert Harrey
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Time: 4.31pm - 6pm
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What to do

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Alex Fargunes
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Time: 6pm - 7pm

To make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. So we have to take initiative proper way ensure the all right and make the country better for living Lorem ipsu dolor sit amet consectetur. Tempus vel pellentesque semper curabitur tortor

Contribution can make a big Changes

Your contributin can make a effective make sure all Citizen rights, you have to work together and make better country for our child. So we have to take initiative proper way of life


Already Raised for the Campaign by our Supporter
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